ShekinahNet began as an idea that the Internet is fast becoming an addition to one of the world's largest missionary fields. In this thought, it has also become one of the world's largest opportunities to get the message of the Gospel out. Rev. Linda Skebba Fox, (known by most of her online friends as "Sonshine"), found two major ministry thrusts for ministry online:
1) International chat, hooking many countries up through the mass-media of chat, which she has begun using both a private chat off of one of her ministry websites, and also Yahoo!'s International chatrooms, which have regular chat as well as voice chat! By listing this site in several countries, people who have never heard the Gospel, or are not allowed to preach or be a Christian, have responded for prayer. Thus, is being birthed, the Internet Minister. This is excellent for those who are homebound, or are simply "hooked" on the Internet, and need an outlet to preach and reach with the Gospel. We are gathering information on those who are interested in joining our "Ministry Network" for this, "Project: Freedom".
2) Sonshine also found through ministry friends, and people who are very famous, that there are free websites as well as web-based e-mails with professional forums and chats which are anyone's for the taking! Being a Missionary and Outreach Evangelist, Sonshine began to feel a real burden to put all these tools together and form a sort of "network" for those who need to stay in touch via Internet.
There are many packages which she has put together for the purpose of getting the Gospel out and keeping loved ones and ministry/Christian businesses together. The desire is so strong to take back what the enemy has tried to get with the Internet, and to serve GOD's people through this means, that she now puts these packages together for love offerings, and even sometimes for free!